- BeNP's word of the day: Ruffian. Used to describe the little toerags outside of the Savoy throwing Chairs and bin.
- Beca Brown used the KA-CHA (tm) under a stage, during a show, billowing smoke and meowing.
- Small numbers lead to an IT-Box DISASTER; money was well and truly spun.
- Doggy-B has been put down, it seems.
- Falex a.k.a. 'Cralex' is a baby giant.
- AGM topics discussed and excitingly, the beginnings of the MONDAY CLUB POLITICAL MANIFESTO was drafted.
- Despite being a quiet one by normal monday standards, it quickly turned into POLITICAL MONDAY and an emergency game of Vegetables had to be introduced to stop a massive discussion over ID cards.
- Vegetable game turned into sex toy game after Rizzle's DillDill "just sounds like Dildo"
- The Savoy celebrated Rizzle Macrizzle's Veterancy by bringing back 99p pints of Ruddles.
- Water and Lemon is the best new Virgin cocktail to hit the Savoy.
- Nobody knows what Ragu is.